
Urban Intervention

Fascinated by skateboarding and architecture, and in particular in how the two influence each other I wanted to translate the relation between the two into physical objects.

As a skateboarder myself, skateboarding has drastically changed how I see and experience my surroundings, and public space Inspired by social gathering objects, I designed a modular ‘totempole’.

A totem pole is a tall monumental structure. They display stories, rituals and the history of it’s specific culture. Totem Poles are also used for gathering and performing rituals.

By stacking up various elements you can compose an urban totem pole, which would attract skateboarders to perform their playful ‘ritual’. The object would serve as a meeting place. By dissembling the the pole, the elements can be used for spatial interventions. Together with the urban surroundings, the ‘playblocks’ create a skateble place.

  • Published 2019
  • Materials Underlayment, Ratchetstraps
  • 40 x 40 x 40 cm, 80 x 40 x 40 cm